
Prayer Plant Sapling


Product Minimum Order Quantity
Any Plant Sapling 6
Seed Packets 12
Planters 6
Accessories 1

Introducing our Prayer Plant Sapling, a captivating and enchanting houseplant that adds a touch of natural beauty and serenity to any indoor space. The Prayer Plant, scientifically known as Maranta leuconeura, features stunning patterned leaves that fold up at night, resembling hands in prayer. Our carefully nurtured Prayer Plant Saplings are ready to bring a sense of tranquility and elegance to your living environment.

Enquiry For Price
  • Each plant sapling will be delivered in a small polythene black colour bag.
  • 1 Kg of soil will be provided with each plant sapling.
  • Either red soil or black soil depending upon the type of plant will be provided with each plant sapling.
  • A detailed repotting instructional information will be provided with each plant sapling.
  • The plant sapling will be delivered by courier service available at the customer's location.
  • Delivery charge applicable will be as per box packing of the courier service company.
  • The terms and conditions will be applied as per courier service company rules and regulations.
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Prayer Plant Sapling

Experience the captivating beauty of the Prayer Plant with our Prayer Plant Sapling. This extraordinary houseplant, scientifically known as Maranta leuconeura, is cherished for its vibrant and patterned leaves that fold up at night, giving the appearance of hands in prayer. With its striking foliage and unique behavior, the Prayer Plant adds a touch of natural beauty and serenity to any indoor space.

Our Prayer Plant Saplings have been meticulously nurtured to ensure their health and readiness to enhance your living or working environment. Each sapling is selected for its well-developed leaves showcasing intricate patterns of various colors, including shades of green, burgundy, and silver. The mesmerizing foliage creates an atmosphere of tranquility and elegance, making the Prayer Plant a stunning focal point or a delightful addition to any plant collection.

Prayer Plant is known for their low-maintenance nature and ability to thrive in indoor environments.  They prefer moderate to bright indirect light, making them ideal for areas with filtered sunlight. Additionally, Prayer Plant appreciates higher humidity levels, which can be achieved by misting the leaves or placing the plant in a well-humidified area. Their compact size and bushy growth make them suitable for tabletop displays, shelves, or as part of a green ensemble.

Prayer plant helps purify the air in homes. Through a process called transpiration, these plants release moisture into the air, which increases humidity and reduces airborne pollutants. Additionally, their broad leaves can trap dust particles, improving overall air quality and creating a healthier indoor environment. Prayer plant sapling price is very nominal at our online gardening store “Farmer In Mumbai“.


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